
Loving yourself is like admiring a piece of great abstract art. It just works, without explanation.

It always cracks me up when I am in an art gallery viewing a seemingly ‘simple’ painting and someone says “I could have done that!”.

I say well do it then.

This is the difference. That person created the work. They did it. And I’m quite sure it wasn’t as simple as it seems. There may be layers and layers of paint to create the luminosity, the colour or the depth you are observing. Or perhaps that person worked on hundreds of paintings before that were flooded with too much stuff, and finally arrived at something simple and beautiful.

Our lives are similar, as is learning to love yourself. People want to tell you how to do it, what you need, how to do it. There are hundreds of websites on the subject.

The truth is only you know how.

My only thought is be the artist. Do what you like doing and it will be right.

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