Who do you trust?

Do you trust yourself? I mean REALLY trust yourself?

We think a lot about whether we trust others. Our partners, bosses, friends, and colleagues. Relationships form and are broken based on trust. It’s not quite the same as faith, which is often built on a blind belief, something instilled in us that we KNOW to be true in our hearts. 

When it comes to trusting people, we kinda need it to be proven, especially as we get older and get burnt a bit. We are more cautious about trying things and giving ourselves to others. We have our ‘walls up’ as we hear so often.

It becomes harder to BELIEVE in others. 

At that point, you have a few options. 

Make your circles smaller, hence your life becomes a bit smaller. 

Don’t care at all and become immune – we all know people like this who just seem not to care.  They become quite selfish.

Or the third option is this:

Start trusting YOURSELF, rely more on your own instincts and INTUITION and keep going. 

Your world will actually EXPAND.

Will it keep you from getting burnt again? Maybe. Just maybe you will see the fire starting and throw water on it. Or walk away and let it burn out of control within that person, not you.

Or better yet burn a marshmallow on it and laugh it off.

But using your intuition goes further than just relationships and getting hurt or burnt. It applies to everything we do.

Animals live by it. Their INSTINCT. How cool is that? But we as humans are smarter! WE dig that but do something else. And as a result, we are stressed to the max. 

Worrying about what others think. Getting drugs back into the same old situations. Then wondering what went wrong.

The only times animals stress is when they are under attack. They SENSE it from a mile away right? But we’re smarter.

TRUST yourself. You know when things are wrong.

Create a bond with yourself and amazingly you will have plenty of bonds with others. 

The way to believe in others is to believe in yourself.

Then you can start to see the difference. To spot the patterns.

I have one friend who lies a lot. I have heard it, seen it and am quite sure has done it to me. Is this a deal breaker? Maybe it should be, but I know now this is just her not believing in herself, determined to twist things ever so slightly to make herself look better in others’ eyes. 

It’s silly, petty and immature but since I use my intuition and know it’s happening and my logical reasons why I can continue to be friends – BUT with my eyes wide open. And probably from a distance. 

We can’t expect people to be perfect. But we CAN trust ourselves to know what’s happening and determine where we sit in the situation and whether or not to continue.

You can use this intuition with your children as well. Have you ever had that feeling that you just KNOW something is or isn’t right? But you have no proof, no phone call nothing. You feel it. Don’t hesitate. Go with your gut, follow your senses. It doesn’t mean becoming paranoid, just when you feel something go with it.

This isn’t just to follow things that are wrong – it applies to things you know are RIGHT as well. You know when that job is right for you. You KNOW when you are doing the right thing for yourself. You just DO.

We are always looking at ways to reduce stress. Eat right, sleep well, exercise, meditate, show gratitude, and do nice things for yourself. 

I believe in all those concepts. They all contribute to being balanced.

But the last key to reducing stress, and loving yourself, is to trust yourself.

USE your intuition more and more. It’s there sitting dormant, WAITING for you to use it. This goes further than knowing what is right and wrong, and it’s not some metaphysical thing. It’s an aspect of being human that for some reason we don’t talk about enough like it exists in some spiritual world we don’t quite understand.

Maybe we aren’t supposed to understand it. It’s instinct, your inner voice, your intuition. 

It may come in the form of a gut feeling, a knowing, or even a  dream. 

Paul McCartney dreamt of the tune to the song, Yesterday, but worried it was too different. 

Albert Einstein said I believe in intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes feel that I am right. I do not know that I am.


There are countless examples but here I am trying to prove something to you when I KNOW I am right. It’s human to try and combine our logic and intuition. That’s ok.

But you know deep inside what your instincts are telling you. 

Maybe you dream something, or just get a GUT feeling. Follow it full stop. 

To me, this helps build resilience, reduce stress, and increase your emotional intelligence. It’s not rocket science and certainly has nothing to do with being ‘smart’ or having book sense.

I like to say listen to your friends but trust yourself. You know deep inside what feels right. What feels wrong? 

Trust yourself and follow that inner voice. It’s a game-changer.

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